Dear­sou­ve­nir is your per­fect mobi­le tra­vel com­pa­n­ion who sug­gests which shops to explo­re in beau­ti­ful desti­na­ti­ons, and which pro­ducts will be the most attrac­ti­ve sou­ve­nir for you. We send you to mar­kets, stores, work­shops, stu­di­os and con­cept stores — any­whe­re whe­re you’ll find gre­at local pro­ducts that are worth brin­ging home. For your friends, fami­ly, col­leagues or as a tre­at for yourself.

For us, sou­ve­nirs are spe­cial memem­tos that con­nect us to a spe­ci­fic place, to peop­le, encoun­ters and expe­ri­en­ces. Per­so­nal memo­ries and fee­lings during a trip often play an important role. A sou­ve­nir can cap­tu­re a gre­at many memo­ries. It doesn’t mat­ter if the thing that cat­ches your eye is expen­si­ve and valu­able or from a local supermarket.

We are no sou­ve­nir snobs. We love typi­cal regio­nal clas­sics as much as tru­ly uni­que pro­ducts made by local artis­ans, artists and desi­gners. We value qua­li­ty, ori­gi­na­li­ty, sus­taina­bi­li­ty and we encou­ra­ge tra­ve­ling this beau­ti­ful world of ours with respect and mindfulness.

Tra­vel less – remem­ber more

In the­se times of limi­ted tra­vel, Dear­sou­ve­nir wants to be your well-tra­v­eled stay-at-home friend. For many of us, the way we think about tra­vel has been chan­ging. That quick deal in a boo­king app just doesn’t feel right any­mo­re. Many of us still yearn to expe­ri­ence other coun­tries. More than ever we focus on mind­ful­ness and respect for how we move across our lovely pla­net and inter­act with other peop­le and their cul­tures. Let’s crea­te some memories!

That’s us
Max Mustermann
Max Mustermann
Max Mustermann
Content Creation
Max Mustermann

